Architectural Design I

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Projects 1-3

( Click link for Project 1-3 )

Project 4

( Click link for Project 4 )


Project 5

Project five was the final project which had a scenario to give the design some direction and

Constraints to follow. However the main point was not to design a real house, but to add ordering

concepts to all the previous concepts, then apply them all to the design. Ordering concepts are Axis,

Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Datum, and Transformation.




The image above is the property that was used for this project




The images above are the spaces, circulation, and datum I used for the project. The left image is the first floor, garage, and studio, and the right image is the second floor.



These images are of the 3D views of the first floor (left) and second floor (right).  There are no actual walls, windows, or doors because this was a conceptual project only.


These images are of the 3D Datum and meta wall that I used to tie the “house” garage, and studio together.


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