Architectural Design I

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Project 4

Project four started out from a given site plan in which a series of spaces and site

paths were created. The project then progressed to adding buildings and

landscaping to define the spaces, and putting functions into the spaces. The final

stage was to turn the buildings and landscaping into 3D elements and make

adjustments to better define the spaces with a 3D layout.


Site spaces and circulation path on the left, buildings, landscaping, and functions on the right.


Top image is the back right corner of the site, and the bottom image is front left corner, these show the 3D imaging. To better define the site, I used different size trees and bushes along with shaping the exterior of the buildings to fit the spaces. Also looking along the circulation path through the site, you can see how the 3D elements also help to define the path.



These 3 images emphasizes the main building design, top-left picture is the front-right corner, the top-right picture is the back-right corner, and the bottom is an interior image. The same proses as the site design was also used for this part of the project, there was the added restraint of fitting the building to help define the sites spaces. The use of meda walls helped to with defining the sites spaces without curving the building walls. Within the building column, half walls, full walls, girders, and solids (bathrooms, closets, etc.) were used to define the spaces and their interactions. Also like with the circulation path for the site the circulation in the building is made clearer with the use of 3D elements.



Project 5







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