Architectural Design I

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Projects 1-3

These projects were all an out-of-the-box way of learning the architectural

concepts of shapes, spaces, and their possible interactions. Common shapes

like cubes, triangles, and spheres can interact by abutting, overlapping, putting

one into the other, or smashing one into or through the other. There are of

course different variations of the common shapes and the interactions can be

used to link several shapes or spaces together to get one large structure.



Project 1 - Sugar cubes used to show shape interactions, along with mass, and voids.



Project 2 - Dowels, used to show spatial interactions with a goal of being conservative with the number of dowels

used to define a space.



Project 3 - Planes, the same concept as project 2, but on a multilevel with an added goal of having a small, medium, large space. There was also a requirements for a minimum height (24 in) and use most of the plains.



Project 4

 ( Click link for Project 4 )




Project 5






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