Architectural Design I



The objective of Architectural Design 1 is to learn and apply the concepts of;

Form (additive/subtractive, mass/void)

Space & Volume (definition, patterns, systems, and associations)

Spatial relationships (abutting, overlapping, space with-in space)

Path-Space relationships (outside, along the edge, terminate in a space)

Circulation patterns (linear, radial, grid, network, spiral, composite)



Projects 1-3

These projects were all out-of-the-box ways of learning the architectural concepts of Form,

Space/Volume definition, and Spatial Relationships. Common shapes like squares, triangles, and

circles can interact in different ways. There are of course different variations of the common

shapes and when they are made into 3D shapes there are even more possibilities (mass/void,

space-inside-space). All this was used in projects 1-3. ( Click link for Projects 1-3 )


Project 4

Project four was to learn the concept of circulation, it started out from a given site plan in which

a series of spaces and circulation paths were created to connect them. The project then

progressed to adding buildings and landscaping to define the spaces and circulation path. A main

building was created with the same process, but with the restraint of connecting the path back to

the main site path. Also the building had to help define the site spaces. The final stage was to turn

the buildings and landscaping into 3D elements and make adjustments to better define the spaces

and circulation with a 3D layout. ( Click link for Project 4 )


Project 5

Project five was the final project which had a scenario to give the design some direction and

Constraints to follow. However the main point was not to design a real house, but to add ordering

concepts to all the previous concepts, then apply them all to the design. Ordering concepts are Axis,

Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Datum, and Transformation. ( Click link for Project 5 )