Architectural Design II

HOME����� Arch. Design II


Project 1

The object of this project was to take 2 known objects and combined them to come up

with something new. In this case combining existing bridge designs with objects that

move in some way. I Started out 3 brides and turn them into a basic image, then found 3

random objects that move and illustrated their movements. Put them into a 3x3 grid to

come up with 9 overlapping idea boxes, to be filled in with possible ideas for a new

bridge design.




These are the bridge types I picked going from left to right, Cantilever, Arch, and Cable-stay. I used these as a prototype for my idea grid.


The moving objects I used were the track from a calculator, a pair of scissors, and a cork screw opener.




This is the idea grid I used to compare the moving objects with known bridge types. A) pair of scissors, B) the sliding track of a calculator,

C) inside of a cork-screw. The bridges from left to right, cable stay, cantilever, arch.




These are the concepts I came up with from the grid for integrating the moving components

with a bridges. I decided to stick with A-1.I decided to develop the A-1 idea farther.





This video is the 2D progression starting with the elements from the grid to the Final 2D design.




The last part of this project was to transform the 2D design into a 3D design. Clicking the image

above will animate the bridges movement.




I also took a cut of the moving half of the bridge, and made the components into solid objects to get a better look. Clicking the images above will also show a video of that 3D motion.







Project 2

( Click link for Project 2 )


Project 3

( Click link for Project 3 )





HOME����� Arch. Design II