Non-Denominational Chapel

on the campus of SUNY Farmingdale


You have been selected to design a proposed non-denominational chapel located on the campus of SUNY Farmingdale. The College wants this to be a profoundly spiritual place that people of all faiths can worship and reflect on life’s events. The College believes this can be achieved by the creative use of light. The College has outlined a preliminary program that is listed below. A site has yet to selected on campus; the College is looking for guidance from the Architect. The building should be integrated into the fabric of the campus. The College explicitly requests the design not be symmetrical.

Preliminary Program:





Light background research- Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple


Light cross section drawings-

Light Machines made to test actual distribution of light-


1.    Main Sanctuary/Chapel

2.    Meditation Side Chapel

3.    Memorial Side Chapel



Built Analysis/Existing Patterns: I will incorporate the chapel into these existing systems already established on the campus

Environmental Analysis: I will choose a location that is easily accessible and which incorporates the angel of the sun. (X marks the chosen location)





I chose this position of the building, because it is centralized around the middle of the campus. It neighbors buildings that function for all types of groups that utilize the College. This positioning is also along the path of the sun. The building faces the north and its sides face the east and west to utilize the natural sun rays. The front faces the center of the ellipse which is already a central “stamp” of the campus. This position also is along the pedestrian circulation path to allow for easy access.

Light influences each chapel differently. The Main Sanctuary utilizes the east & west light, the Meditation Chapel, second most important room, utilizes the south & west light and lastly the Memorial Chapel utilizes the east & north light.

This design mediated the contextual conflict between the built environment and the natural environment by being positioned at a different angle other than the one the existing buildings are at. The building was strictly placed to fit within the systems currently in place amongst the campus. There was a compromise between the two environments to allow them to work well with each other.

Preliminary Designs:

Final Designs:

Site plan in context-

Building plans with surrounding context-







Main Sanctuary


Meditation Chapel

Memorial Chapel

3D Exterior Images-

3D Interior Images-


Other Images-