Arch Beam Cable-Stay 
hydraulic pistons  Can be used to lift or move objects.  This would work very nice and easily with this bridge system as long as the structure remains static. Can be used to lift or move objects.  This would work very nice and easily with this bridge system.  It can also be used to move the bridge itself. Can be used to lift or move objects.  Can be incorporated with the bridge but will effect structure.  If you lift the roadbed what happens to the cables?  
counter weight/pulley system  Can be added anywhere along the bridge.  As long as the abutments (supports) remain, because they carry the load and keep the ends of the bridge from spreading out.  But if you take away aside of the arch and its no longer symmetric you would have a problem the bridge would not be able to support  roadbed when opened. Have seen this system used before at RR crossing where boats need to get through.  But a counter weight is needed and a force is need to push the bridge to get the act needed to move it. Can be added to middle of the bridge where no cables are located.  Will have to add structure to support draw bridge system.  
swing on axis This will be very hard because abutments are designed to spread the load and if one side moves this can compromise the bridge.  This also can be done very easily have seem it done at RR crossings where the bridge rotates to let a ship pass by. I can't think of a way to swing this bridge on an axis  due to the piers.