Project 1
Feb 27, 2014: Residential Preliminary (Plans &
Sections) twenty percent
March 20, 2014: Final Drawing Set
twenty percent
You have been contracted to prepare the working drawings/construction
drawings for a single family residence for a family of 5 with the following
The mother uses a wheelchair so the house must be inclusive
universal designed and have a residential elevator (12 ft2 cab)
Energy Star Compliant
The building is to be sited for active and passive solar gain and
screened in summer
Two story over finished basement with a residential elevator,
attached garage and working fireplace/chimney
Program: Floor Area 2,400 to 2,600 Total Sq Ft
(excluding area of garage and basement
floor area)
Kitchen, Dining room, Living room
Master Bedroom with attached bath and a walk-in closet on the
first floor
Additional Bedrooms
Laundry room
Finished Basement w/utility room no bedrooms
One Car min attached garage
Pitched Roof
Site plan) – positive drainage, driveway, walkways,
patio and a septic system.