Michael T. McGrath



Project 2: Contextual Fit

Design Metaphor and System:

          I decided that the “Boat” metaphor was the best design to continue with.

Staring with this…

…and transforming it into this

The main idea is that the overall shape of the new add-on is a boat like the owner would have worked on through his career. The datum and an awning extruding towards the shore would create the shape of a ship’s hull while the master bedroom would create the look of a bridge like one would find a captain of a ship controlling the vessel. 


Existing Systems

          For this design, the overall mass of the extension seemed to have similar dimensions to the main house, except rotated to be perpendicular with it, resulting in some of the systems Richard Meier used acting the same.

Green = Existing Structure

Yellow = Added Structure

Green = Existing Building

Blue = Existing Circulation

Yellow = Extension

Red = New Circulation

For circulation, the path leaving the family area by going into the gym or upstairs is horizontal while the path walking through and exiting the structure is vertical.


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