Conceptual Ideas








Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been living in the smith house for about a year now and they have decided to add an extension on to the existing house. Their reason for extending the house was so that they can live more comfortable and have more room for them selfs and there 3 children. Mr. Smith has always love how homemade water falls work and would love to see if it could be incorporated in the building design. Another reason why there doing the extension is they wanted a bigger family room so that the family could be comfortable. Also Mr. Smith wanted to use the water fall idea to collect the rain water and reuse it for there every day water use in the new extension half of the house.



1)  Family Room

2)  Master Suite

3)  Gym



Private: Master Suite

Play: Family Room

Public: Family Room, Gym


Meta Idea: Small Waterfalls


Existing System:

The existing system that I used was the public/privite analysis but instead of the way Meier uses it I flipped it and move the privite to the back

of the house and the public to the front. Another system I used was the big windows small windows effect and I keep that the same.


Connection Analogy:

To Connect to the existing house I used a joint connection to joint the two together.