Project 1: Form and Function


Prototypes (Form)


Conceptual Diagrams





The purpose of this project is to examine the relationship of form and function in architectural design. A bridge prototype design transforms into a new functional bridge with analogies that are household items. The bridge must be transformed in order to allow a boat with a clearance of 30 feet wide and 40 feet height to pass through.


Sydney Harbour Bridge


Image result for sydney harbour bridge close up

William H. Natcher Bridge


Image result for William H. Natcher Bridge

Ikitsuki Bridge


Image result for ikitsuki bridge






Arch Bridge


Cable-Stay Bridge


Cantilever Bridge
















Movement/ Analogy (Function)




Can Opener







3XConceptual Combinations Table





Pro: Bridge can move horizontal by having a pivot point on center of bridge.

Con: Horizontal movement would be difficult since there are many wires

Pro: Can be added anywhere on the bridge

Con: The part being removed will have to supported

Pro: Bridge can open upwards

Con: There can be an unbalance

Pro: By placing gears in the bridge, it can allow the deck to move up or down

Con: This would be simple to create

Pro: The deck can be moved in any way by using gears

Con: Can be difficult to make the moveable deck that will have to be supported

Pro: The gears can move from anywhere

Con: the positioning of the movement road

Pro: Lifting the middle section of the bridge

Con: The Arch needs to be high so the opening of the boats can pass through

Can be used to lift a draw bridge

Pro: It can be easy to lowering the weight for the cable.

Con: It�s difficult for the cable to move a vertical



















Preliminary designs




Animation of transformation process











3-D Animations