Final 3-D Design


Text Box: My final 3D design is shown through a GIF to the right. First the roadbed is slid out by two cylinders under the back side of the bridge with ridges on it, kind of like the hex tool. Then to power operated swing arms are opened horizontally so this way the boat may pass. This system works because there is no need to lift the bridge up, which would involve counter weights and pulley systems. This way, the roadbed is on a tack, it slides in and out, and the swing arms open the way for easy passage. 


Text Box: This span would’ve worked but the largest part of the bridge is over the water so it would take a lot of structure to hold it up. A simple solution would to be just to slide the bridge over so the largest part is over land and lengthen the span on the opposite side to fit the required 190 foot span. Shown here is the final design of the bridge over land and the underneath to show the cylinders that move the roadbed.