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Professor Betz                 Home             Professor LoPiccolo

Project 1                   Project 2                          Project 3


Narrative: The Smith family is very active and does many extra-curricular activities together, especially camping. They have a close bond together and so they also respect each other’s privacy. The extension of the house is meant to enable them to hold more activities indoors and also create a place where they can relax after such an activity.


Idea: The additional structure will try to transform the site into a campsite. The ocean, which the house focused on in Richard Meier’s design, represents a campfire, while the structure will represent the campers.


Hierarchy: Since the Smith family looks forward to activities, the family room will be the most important for them. Although the outdoor area will also be important, it will not be used as much during the winter or bad weather and so year-round activities suit the family more. The master bedroom is not as important because it is used for a place to sleep and occasionally relax. The exercise room is the least important because it is a place where family members can relax by themselves and does not have as much of a public or social appeal to it. Most activities require a group to participate. However, the exercise room can be used by a single person and does not need a group of people to use it.