Florida Avenue Bridge |
Cannot be bent due to stress on the cables
supporting the roadbed. |
The entire bridge can be lifted from one side. -
Lift can be sustained at three varying severities,
supported by friction. |
Lift or Draw bridge can be installed with varying
degrees of axial distribution. |
Multiple-hinged mechanism makes a complex pulley
system possible to divert shear stress perpendicular across the cables. |
Multiple hinges offer multiple solutions. -
Ex. Swing, Lift, Draw |
Multiple hinges offer multiple solutions. -
Ex. Swing, Lift, Draw |
All 72 cables must be kept in equilibrium/tension,
not to be contorted in any way. -
The roadbed cannot be lifted any way that is not
straight up. |
Entire bridge can be lifted from one side. -
Simple, single-hinged mechanism. |
Truss construction makes any lift construction
simple to install and employ with ease. |