
You can learn from the past, but you can’t continue to be in the past; history is not a substitute for imagination”

Frank Gehry

When it comes to creating a building we should know that it suppose to be a piece of art that would be remembered by generations. However, if someone just focuses on building spaces surrounded by walls should not waste the soil.

My creation is a Non-Denominational Chapel that has four main parts. The main focus is a Main Chapel. It is an oval building that easily being seen from the every angle. The follower is a Memorial Chapel. This building is purposely separated.

From the human’s perspective we can see nice and squared outside walls that melt into the site. The entrance is an easy to notice part that is located right in the middle of an old path, which allows the viewer to know that this has to be a focal point.

The follower is a Memorial Chapel. This building is purposely separated. In my eyes the Memorial Chapel is a sculpture, monument that needs to have its own place in history. This type of structure is explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of past events.  It is located on the West side to catch 6pm low Sun.

Meditation Chapel has a totally different purpose/reason for existing. The goal is to focus on the morning Sun that brings a refreshing feeling.

The Main Sanctuary is a space that has entrances on both SE and SW sides. The third entrance leads to the courtyard that is filled with water and has a Sundial to remember that the Light, Sun, and Time never stops

